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Connecting Landowners with Recreationists

Nic De Castro | Founder/CEO, LandTrust

About Landtrust

“For farmers and ranchers who are looking for a practical way to add income to their operations, LandTrust is a website that connects landowners with respectful sportsmen looking to pay for access to their land. LandTrust is a partner that helps build a valuable new income from sportsmen while keeping landowners in full control.”

As Nic reflects on the highs and lows of his entrepreneurial journey, Nic shares that a low has been when he and his cofounder broke up, just one month after launching the LandTrust website. Nic states, “This was a very painful process not only because it meant I was losing a co-founder, but it resulted in losing a very good friend.”

Some of the highs that Nic has endured throughout his entrepreneurial journey has been when Nic saw the first booking go through on LandTrust in October of 2019. He explains that it was incredible to see the five star ratings from both the landowner and sportsmen. Not only this, but Nic highlights his team and the hurdles that they have overcome. Nic shares a story, “A high was hearing that the income from LandTrust was a big help for one of our landowners who was rebuilding a fence & a pole barn after a wildfire went through their property here in Montana.”

When asked how the community can support Nic and LandTrust, Nic states, “As we launch North Dakota, we’d appreciate you sharing LandTrust with your friends and family who either are farmers/ranchers or who are sportsmen.” LandTrust is also looking for motivated farmers and ranchers who would like to become Landowner Success Managers.

Readers can learn more about Nic and LandTrust by visiting their website (, Instagram (landtrust_hunt), Facebook (/landtrustinc) and LinkedIn.

About Nic

Nic De Castro is the Founder and CEO of Landtrust. He grew up in San Juan Capistrano, a town in Southern California. Currently, Nic lives in Bozeman, MT and is on the process of having Land Trusr establish a presence in North Dakota.

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